The North of England Odontological Society laid the foundations to Newcastle Dental School, as is described in the following history, taken from the publication "Newcastle Dental School and Hospital - An Illustrated History. 1895-1995".
... on May 23rd 1894, a meeting of dentists was held at the Douglas Hotel, Newcastle upon Tyne, when it was proposed that a Dental Society be formed in the North of England. Mr Turnbull was elected as Chairman. A provisional committee was agreed and they determined that the Society was to be open to "any registered dentist provided he did not advertise in public journals... or conduct his practice in any way which in the opinion of the Council was derogatory to the Profession."
It was agreed that the Society should be named The North of England Odontological Society and that it should meet in Newcastle upon Tyne, excepting special invitation elsewhere. The first official meeting of the Society was held on July 5th 1894, attended by 11 gentlemen, although several apologies for absence had been received. The first council meeting was held on October 10th 1894 and after the council meeting the first ordinary meeting was held where it was agreed that no smoking was to be allowed during the meetings. A number of casual communications were given including one presented by Mr R.L. Markham, of four upper incisors which had been successfully replanted following an accident at hockey. Other cases included a case of unusual erosion, Hutchinson syphilitic teeth, epithelioma of the tongue and models of teeth showing very stunted growth. The Odontological Society proved to be a focus for education and social gathering.
Mr Markham was so encouraged by the formation of the Odontological Society that he invited some of his colleagues Messrs Daniels, Harper, Jamieson, Moon and Routledge to meet in December 19th 1894 at his home No. 9 Eldon Square to discuss the inception of a dental school and hospital. Not only did those present at this meeting promise to do alll they could to help, but they agreed to make an annual subscription of 10 guineas etach to meet expenses. Advice was sought from the Edinburgh Dental Hospital on the organisation of a dental hospital, following which a Committee of Management was formed and Mr Frank Marshall of Messrs Williamson and Marshall was asked to serve as Honorary Secretary. Premises were leased in Nelson Street at an annual rent of £35 and on March 25th 1895 the work of the hospital began. The Newcastle Dental Hospital officially opened on April 22nd 1895.